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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hacking Youtube to find good quality videos

Many of us are really found of videos and watch videos at youtube or Google Videos. Ofcourse you prefer to watch good quality videos at youtube than those worse videos.
I am gonna show you a small trick that will do all the wonders, and now you can always get good quality youtube videos.

Step1: Click to video that you want to see, the link will display on Address bar.

Step2: Add &fmt=6 to the end of that string.
That address like:

Optional Step: To get more quality youtube video
.Add &fmt=18 to the end of that string, you’ll have the best quality video with direct download link !


Note: Appending &fmt=6 to the URL delivers a 448×336 resolution version of the video and appending &fmt=18 delivers a even better 480×360 resolution version.

Its that simple, now you have learned a secret of hacking Youtube for Good quality videos. Post your comments if you like the post.

Friday, July 16, 2010

I used to think that making viruses had something to do with programming skills. I thought writing a program that could copy itself, spread itself, hide in other programs or files, find its way around on all these different computers, that surely had to be the summum of programming.
Maybe this once was true. Back in the old days, when viruses ware written in assembler, were small enough to hide in the boot sector of a floppy disk, were able to attach themselves to a file without anyone noticing (and files were quite small those days), had stealth capability, and could influence your hardware directly, bypassing the operating system.
So maybe, maybe in those days, creating viruses could be seen as an achievement, or as a sport. Now, any fool can do it. And judging by the number of viruses, a lot of them do.
Here's how.
  1. search the web for something like "Virus Construction Tool" or "Internet Worm Generator". Download it.
  2. run the program (click on its icon).
  3. fill in the form. Choose interesting names.
  4. check the boxes to indicate how you want this virus / worm to spread (e-mail, irc, ...)
  5. choose your options for 'payload'
    click "Done".
  6. click "create virus" or "generate"
  7. Save the file
  8. run it to see if it works.
This should create a visual basic script that will run on Windows computers and try to use the same Outlook application files to mass-mail itself. Much like the 'I love you' virus or the 'Ana Kournikova' worm.
i love you skriptkidddie

Saturday, July 10, 2010

An Interesting thing

An Interesting thing

windows XP is having a hidden "Star Wars Movie" inside it???
You should be connected to the NET for using this.
Go to Starts-->Programs-->Run
And hit enter......... Enjoy the magic!!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Java Market

The Java Market

According to Oracle, Java is the most popular and ubiquitous runtime available, with the following statistics as of January 2010:

  • 9 million Java developers
  • 840 million Java desktop installations
  • 100+ different hardware platforms supported million Java desktop installations
    • 2 million additional downloads per day
  • Used by all of the Fortune 100 companies
  • 5.5 billion Java cards
  • 2.6 billion Java-enabled cell phones
    • 250 partner cell phone carriers
    • 100,000+ Java ME applications
  • 40 million TVs and Blu-ray players

Java continues to be the most widely used single programming language today, edged out only by all scripting languages grouped together. But since Java the platform supports running applications written in various scripting languages, these numbers can be said to overlap. For instance, the Java virtual machine (JVM) will execute applications written in Java, Rexx, Ruby, JavaScript, Python, PHP Groovy, Clojure, and Scala. In many cases, Sun's HotSpot JVM will run these applications better than their natively compiled counterparts because the just-in-time (JIT) compiler will re-optimize the compiled code over time according to execution characteristics.

The bottom line is that Java has remained the language and/or platform of choice for enterprise and web application development for many years, and it continues to grow. With Java freely available for development use, and its use as the language of choice in many college computer-science curriculums, Java will likely remain at the top for many years to come.